Messages from Paraflex
Director Message

Mr. Rahul Jain
Paraflex Wires & Cables
Rahul Jain is one of the strongest pillars of Paraflex. He joined the company in 2003 in the production department. He had an optimistic vision to introduce newer product lines and technologies that would add more diversification to Paraflex’s portfolio and make it a brand of high repute. Along with Ashok Jain and Pawan Jain, he decided to add cables to the Paraflex product line.
Rahul Jain believes that the strong position of KLJ PARAFLEX INDIA LTD stands strong in the market due to the astute vision of our team and our people who have vested their interest in the growth of the organization. We are driven by our founding members’ vision and mission, which has helped us reach new heights of success. Our team is supported by creative and technical minds that have proven skills. We always have emphasized creating a harmonizing workspace where each member of the Paraflex family is driven and motivated for organizational growth. On behalf of the Paraflex family, I want to extend my gratitude to every individual associated with this brand and has contributed to the success and the growth of the organization.
The positioning and growth of the brand was further strengthened by Mr Akash Jain, who joined the company in 2014. Driven by a zeal to make Paraflex a reputed national name, he introduced some remarkable strategies that amped up the production and made the company outshine its competitors. With his astute vision and great aplomb, he made Paraflex shine on the national podium. He joined the company in the marketing division and adopted innovative approaches to enhance the brand’s reach to the entire nation. He shares the vision of making KLJ PARAFLEX INDIA LTD a reputable and honest brand name.
I believe that Paraflex will become a trusted name in the market by adhering to the highest quality standards. There is no substitute for hard work and good quality, and over the years, Paraflex has continued to do so. A strong team with the same passion has helped Paraflex become a name of trust in the cables and wires industry.

Mr. Akash Jain
Paraflex Wires & Cables

Mr. Piyush Jain
Paraflex Wires & Cables
Piyush Jain is a young, suave, and visionary individual who joined Paraflex in 2017. After completing his MBA from Babson College, Massachusetts, USA, he was brimming with ideas, and after joining the company, he ensured that Paraflex reached the zenith of success.
He has proven his mettle in promoting the brand and incorporated some wide-sweeping revolutionary changes that have helped the brand outshine its competitors. His exemplary professional graph has helped in personal development and ushered a meteoric growth in the reach of Paraflex. He has spearheaded many expansion projects for the company, and it was during 2017 when Paraflex introduced armoured cables.
It gives me immense pride to be an integral part of the core management team. The strength and success of the company is a result of the effort of every member of the organization at each hierarchical level. We are thankful to each member for pouring their efforts to make Paraflex a national brand.
Mr Kunal Sharma is part of the core team of Paraflex. His experience of 2 decades brings in the best learnings that have contributed to the success of Paraflex. In a 2 decade long journey, Kunal Sharma has helmed important divisions like Telecom Operations, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing and Finance Audit and Quality management. His problem-solving skills and long-term vision have proven beneficial in the company’s growth. His prowess in training, marketing, client interaction and management of each aspect of business has effectively made KLJ Paraflex Ltd. have a deeply rooted position in the market.
The growth of any company depends on how well the team works, and I am overwhelmed by the passion that every member of Paraflex has. Working together, we can achieve a newer zenith of success.

Mr. Kunal Sharma
(india vice president Operation)
Paraflex Wires & Cables

Mr. Vivek Jha
(Vice President Projects )
Paraflex Wires & Cables
Mr Vivek Jha is one of the strongest pillars of Paraflex. His 20 years of experience in sales has played a pivotal role in enhancing the brand’s reach and making it have a strong presence. He has brought in his learning to make Paraflex a trusted brand in the Indian market.
Having a goal-oriented approach and ensuring customer satisfaction has helped us achieve the organizational goal. There is no substitute for quality products, and Paraflex stands as an epitome of superior quality and efficient performance. We continue to strive for excellence while creating a benchmark of standards for our contemporaries.
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