You must have seen plenty of advertisements for wires and cables that claim to save electricity bills. One of the major questions that many customers have in their mind is – can they really save electrcity with wires and cables from the top 10 wire in India brands? The answer is Yes. The best cable and wire brands in India, such as Paraflex, manufacture some of the best wires that last long, mitigate chances of accidents, and help save on electric bills. Let us see how:
Do Wires Really Help Save Electricity?
The typical electricity-saving wires, such as the Paraflex Uni R Multistrand wires, are built with unique technology to help you save electricity. The basic science behind saving electricity is that such wires have lesser resistance than other standard wires and cables. These wires deploy premium quality insulating material for construction and save the overall electricity consumption.
Another crucial fact to consider is – the base material of the wires. Usually, copper wires are the best conductors of electricity and offer the minimum resistance while conducting. So, copper wires can indeed help you save electricity. But recently, aluminum wire alternatives have dominated the market because of their cheap prices. Aluminum wires are cheaper when bought, but in the long run, they will not help to save electricity.
Paraflex Wires to Save Electricity
Paraflex, one of the top 10 wire in India brands, manufactures a unique Uni-R multistrand wire, an advanced formulation wire. It is premium insulated and manufactured with 100% conductivity. It helps to reduce the generated heat while electricity transmission and saves power leading to reduced electricity bills. Being multistranded, they help in power saving.
Uni-R is the latest formulation with the best quality raw materials and the latest wire manufacturing technology. It has a high wire diameter that leads to lesser resistance, directly proportional to less power consumption.
Why is Paraflex the Best Wire Brand?
Paraflex is among the top 10 wire in India brands. Paraflex is a dedicated manufacturer and supplier of premium quality wires and cables. Wires from Parflex are the best in terms of quality and functionality. They help customers to save electricity. Parflex wires and cables are manufactured with unique quality and the latest technology to help you cut down your electricity bills. Indulge in the best and safest wiring of your home, factories, offices, and other space with wires from Paraflex.